Monday, November 07, 2016

Updating Gallery Modules - with a module, of course!

...after I dealt with module updates last week, I finally converted the stuff to a module and published it:

Have fun! :-)

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Speed-updating powershell modules from the gallery

Hi all.

TL;DR: Update all your PoSH modules from within your ISE profile - and with lightning speed!

I recently received a IseSteroids License due to being an MVP - many thanks to Tobias Weltner for this valuable gift!

I then started to think about "how do I keep IseSteroids" up to date? It receives minor updates quite frequently, so I tried this simple command in my personal ISE profile:

Update-Module -Name IseSteroids

This was a "no brainer" - update-module is a slow running thing. So ok, lets go - google/bing/whatever. I finally came up with a solution that has "history":